The Sanctuary Scheme is for Tendring residents who are at risk of homelessness due to domestic violence from a current or former spouse/partner or close family member. The scheme offers high risk victims of domestic violence the option to remain safely and securely in their home through the installation of free enhanced security measures.
The Sanctuary Scheme is a partnership project between Tendring District Council, Essex Police, and Essex County Fire & Rescue Service. The Sanctuary Scheme is subject to funding being available.
How is someone referred?
The Police, or the victims Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA) will initially send a request to the Crime Prevention Officer for a home security survey to be carried out on the victim’s home.
The Crime Prevention Officer and the Sanctuary Scheme Co-ordinator will arrange for a joint visit to the victim should they meet the following Sanctuary Scheme criteria:
- Resident in the Tendring District
- The victim has been assessed as being at high risk using the DASH-2009 assessment framework
- The perpetrator is not resident in the property
- The victim wishes to remain in their home
- The victim doesn’t live in accommodation which is only temporary
During the assessment of the victim’s property, the Crime Prevention Officer will advise the victim if there are any security measures which could enhance the properties security. This will always be tailored to accommodate the needs and circumstances of the individuals involved.
If the landlord, owner, or tenant of the property is unable to do these improvements the Sanctuary Scheme Co-ordinator can arrange for this to be carried out by the council’s repair contractors, subject to funding being available.
The Essex County Fire & Rescue Service may also carry out a home fire safety visit on the property to establish if any fire safety equipment is required.
Before any work can be carried out on a property, the landlord/owner will need to give authorisation for the work to be completed. Any security products installed into their property will not be removed even if the tenant moves out or the tenancy comes to an end.
It is entirely the victim’s decision if they wish to move from the property after any work is completed. The Sanctuary Scheme is designed to help the victim to feel safe and secure in their home for the long term. If the victim believes their safety is still at risk they should discuss these concerns with the Police, their support worker and the Housing Options Team.
Useful contact details
Tendring Police
Emergency 999
Non-emergency 0300 333 4444
Tendring District Council
Sanctuary Scheme Co-ordinator 01255 686452
Housing Options Team 01255 686444
01255 686438
01255 686446
01255 686445
Support Agencies
National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247 /
Colchester and Tendring Women’s Refuge 01206 500 585
National Centre for Domestic Violence (Help with injunctions) 0800 970 2070
Victim Support 0808 1689111
Centre for Action on Rape and Abuse 01206 769795
The Men’s Advice Line 0808 801 0327
Mankind Initiative 01823 334244
Broken Rainbow (LGBT domestic violence charity) 0800 999 5428
National Stalking Helpline 0808 802 0300