What is Exploitation?

Spotting the signs

This is a website link to Essex Safeguarding Children Board on Spotting the signs  

Here is a YouTube video on how to spot a Vulnerable young person

Here is YouTube video to help explain better the signs to look for in your friends, if their behaviour appears to change. Signs to look for in your friends 

Did you know trains are often used by young people who may be vulnerable to exploitation? If you see something that doesn’t feel right, know how to report concerns by texting British Transport Police on 61016, calling the Police on 101 or reporting to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

In an emergency always call 999. 

Criminal Exploitation

This is a website link to Essex Safeguarding Children Board on Criminal Exploitation

This includes information on Safeguarding Vulnerable Young People on Public Transport (Operation Henderson Campaign), Cuckooing and Child Trafficking

Sexual Exploitation

This is a website link to Essex Safeguarding Children Board on Sexual Exploitation

This is a YouTube video on  what young people affected by sexual exploitation have said about the support they want from an adult.

Models and Theories of Exploitation

This is a website link to Essex Safeguarding Children Board on Models and Theories of Exploitation

Exploitation comes in many different forms and this link explains the different types there is.

This is an example from the website that explains the grooming line of exploitation

Modern Slavery and Trafficking

This is a website link to Essex Safeguarding Children Board on Modern Slavery and Trafficking

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 categorises modern slavery as offences of slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking 

Click on the link above for more information and an in-depth explanation on Modern Slavery and Trafficking

Safeguarding Children From Exploitation In Hotels

This is a website link to Essex Safeguarding Children Board on Safeguarding Children From Exploitation In Hotels

As well as information on this, this page also has links to  information pages on-

Spot The Signs Of Exploitation In Hotels 

Safeguarding and reporting steps

Preparing your employees

There is so much more information on the Essex Safeguarding Children Board Website and lots more resources, helpful videos, advice for parents and contact numbers